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Covid-19 Working from Home Tips

Covid-19 Working from Home Tips | Best Dallas Dentist

Has the covid-19 outbreak made you a remote worker? We understand that the transition from working in a physical office to working at home can be difficult – even in normal circumstances. Add in a pandemic, with no gym time, closed schools, no social events, new work procedures, and being stuck 24/7 at home? Surely, that’s a recipe for overwhelm.

Isolation from others during this unique time presents new challenges, but along with these are opportunities for new perspectives and new ways of doing things. With the right effort and mindset, you can stay productive while practicing self-care.

Remember that self-care is not a luxury today, but a crucial element of adjusting to the new normal. Here are some working from home tips for you.

1. Designate an area in your home as  your workspace

Working in a designated workspace that is functional and private will send a strong signal to your brain that it’s time to work and focus. Get yourself prepped for work! Do your best to avoid this area when you are not working.

In addition, sitting on a real chair will do wonders for your energy, attention, and sense of self confidence. For an added motivation, keep your space neat at all times. There’s a great feeling that comes with having a designated, organized place for working.

As soon as your workday is done, try not to do any work obligations until your next working day.

2. Dress up

Take a shower, put some pants on, and comb your hair. It will help! There is a general perception that working from home equates to a pajama fest the entire day, however, the simple act of dressing up and getting ready can help you transition into work and is an important part of self-care.

You can choose to keep it casual. That’s one of the perks about working from home! But by dressing up, you are telling your brain that it is not a weekend and you are ready for your workday.

3. Have a consistent schedule for sleep

Dr. Christopher Winter, president of Charlottesville Neurology and Sleep Medicine, says it best: “As  you try to adjust to working from home, your sleep schedules can take a hit.” He further says that sticking to the same bedtime and wake time are essential elements of self-care, as they affect the quality of sleep.

Don’t have an online meeting until noon? Get up on time anyway. Planning to binge on Netflix until late at night? Turn your TV off and sleep at a decent time.

Keep these working from home tips from your Dallas Dentist, as you adjust to your new normal. Remember, going about your professional work life in a new, unchartered way can lead to growth and positive shifts. It is important not to forget about self-care! Go for lunch with a colleague through Zoom or Skype, stretch your legs every now and then, have a lie-down, take a walk in your lawn, or play with your pets.


The Ultimate Working From Home Guide, Investopedia, https://www.investopedia.com/personal-finance/work-from-home-guide/.

“3 Reasons to Dress Up When You Work From Home,” Business to Community, https://www.business2community.com/workplace-culture/3-reasons-to-dress-up-when-you-work-from-home-02293840

Charlottesville Neurology and Sleep Medicine, http://www.cvilleneuroandsleep.com/about-us.html.
