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The Proper Way to Brush Teeth with Braces

The Proper Way to Brush Teeth with Braces | Dallas Dentist

Your braces have been applied and you can’t wait to see your new smile. However, if you want excellent results, it’s important that you know how to take proper care of your teeth and braces. Brushing your teeth will take more time and effort on your part when you have braces. But once you start seeing the results, you’ll find that all the effort is worth it!

The American Dental Association (ADA) points out that it’s important that you brush your teeth after every meal, although orthodontists have varying opinions when it comes to the number of time a person with braces should brush in a given day.

At Dallas Dental Wellness, we have seen many impressive results from our braces patients. Here are some useful tips that we’ve shared with our patients throughout the years.

How to properly brush your teeth with braces

  • Rinse with water before you brush. This will aid in loosening the food lodged in the braces.
  • Begin by brushing at the gumline at a 45-degree angle.
  • Once you are done brushing the gumline, brush the areas on top of the brackets
  • Angle the toothbrush up, then reposition it at the bottom of the wire and the bracket
  • Remember to go slowly. Be sure to brush above and below the brackets, and to brush each tooth at the gumline. This will ensure that you remove all the food debris and plaque.

 Don’t forget to clean between teeth

Do not skip the floss, as this is an important step in keeping your teeth healthy. To make flossing with braces easier, use soft picks and a floss threader. Using a waxed floss is ideal. Simply move the floss up and down gently, remove, then move on to the next pair of teeth. Thread the floss under the main wire before passing it between the teeth. Next, remove the floss then re-thread it, ready to pass between the next two teeth.

Taking care of your teeth with braces requires patience and diligence. If you have questions about how to take proper care of your teeth with braces, don’t hesitate to contact us, and don’t forget to see your Dallas Dentist twice a year for checkups and cleanings!
