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Oral Health Tips to Keep Your Teeth Healthy This Summer

Oral Health Tips to Keep Your Teeth Healthy This Summer

Finally – summer is here! Like most of us, you are probably looking forward to the warm months that are perfect for fun with family, relaxing under the sun, or simply slowing down.

Your Dallas dentist knows that while the season brings a lot of summer fun, it can also throw off your usual oral health routine.

Dallas Dental Wellness offers these top oral health tips to keep your family’s teeth healthy this summer.

Go for low-sugar options

Many summer treats are packed with sugar. Cotton candy, cakes, popsicles, and even barbeque sauce, are loaded with sugar that can lead to cavities. Go for sugar-free or low-sugar options for your summertime favorites.

Cut back on sweet drinks

It is very tempting to sip on sweet, cold drinks in the Texas heat. In the U.S. diet, beverages are the biggest source of added sugar and calories. Lemonade, fruit punch, sports drinks, and soda all have sugar in high concentrations and tend to be acidic, which can contribute to enamel erosion and tooth decay. Choose water whenever you can, and do your best to cut back on sweet drinks.

Choose healthy snacks

Many summer activities involve travelling. For family outdoor activities, pack a bag of snacks or a cooler, and remember to be selective. Pick tooth-friendly snacks like celery, apples, or carrots, and go for healthy foods like whole grain crackers, cheese, plain nuts, or string cheese.

Rinse with water

Typically, families are on the go during this season, and this might make it hard for them to stick to their usual oral care routine. If it is not possible to floss and brush after meals, make sure to have water handy for you to drink. It may not be as beneficial as brushing your teeth, but drinking water can help lubricate your mouth and rinse away harmful sugars until you can brush.

Establish a routine

Summer schedules are normally very flexible than the usual. Hence, it is essential to remind your family the importance of having a daily routine. Add flossing and brushing to your list of simple yet vital tasks.

Schedule your back-to-school dental appointment early

To avoid the August rush, it is always a great idea to schedule your children’s back-to-school dental appointment early in the summer. Regular visits to your Dallas dentist will help keep your child’s smile healthy and in tip-top shape throughout the year, and if in case there are issues, we can spot them early on, so your child doesn’t need to miss class at the start of the school year.

Keep these oral health tips in mind to ensure that your family maintains the habit of good oral health and hygiene this summer season!
